Juana Change // Women’s Day

graded with the Nucoda Film Master
Directed by Mark Querubin

I graded this a while back with our old machine. But that’s not really what I want to focus on for this post.

Today is International Women’s Day! It’s been a long time since we, women, have started stepping up for equality of the sexes. Some may say that there IS equality already, but others may still argue otherwise. Nonetheless, we have come a long way, from simply wanting (and acquiring) the right to vote, to being leaders and movers of society.

Of course, society has HUNDREDS of issues, still. One major issue here, in the Philippines, being reviewed, critiqued, discussed, argued, debated, protested, etc… would be the RH bill. This is a great issue because

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Speaking Colorist

Since coloring is a specialized line of work, and practically nobody knows you exist outside of your industry, sometimes there’s sort of a language barrier between you and your director/client.

There’s nothing more frustrating, in any kind of work, than miscommunications and misunderstandings. I’d rather have a picky client rather than one who doesn’t know what s/he wants. It’s still our job, as professionals, of course, to translate what they want into our work. But, it helps if they have at least a little knowledge of our “language” and what exactly we are capable of doing. I once had a client who requested me to put in some text, I think he confused me with the editor…

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Coming Soon: Thelma

thelma, Paul Soriano, Odie Flores, Mark Victor, Toni Gozum

I tell you, this film by Paul Soriano, has the most picturesque shots. I graded the whole thing with the Resolve. I must give credit, as well, to Odie Flores, Director of Photography for Thelma, who gave me such healthy material to work with. I don’t think I would have worked and finished as fast, if not for his work, even with the real-time speed of the Resolve.

I’m crazy excited for this film! It’s due to come out early this summer, I believe. Watch out for it!


graded with the Da Vinci Resolve
Directed and Lighted by yours truly 🙂
Shot with a Canon 5d mk2
with the guidance of Direk Matthew Rosen

I attended a Cinematography Workshop by Direk Matthew Rosen, and in our last days, we each shot our own projects. Content didn’t matter, just the cinematography. But, I still wanted a bit of story in there somehow.

It’s not exactly what I imagined but, close enough, given the time, which was suppose to be just 45 minutes to set up and shoot, that turned out to be more for most of us. I like it, still.

Sexy Beast

graded with the Da Vinci Resolve for Mac
Directed by Carlo Directo
DOP: Leslie Garchitorema
Camera: RED

Easily my latest favorite. I love the shots and I had a bit of creative freedom for this, initially, then we worked from there. I’m such a sucker for backlit shots!


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